
My Japanese Coach: Learn Japanese with your Nintendo DS

As one who has entertained a lifelong interest in video games and a developing interest in the Japanese language, it was virtually inevitable that I should come across My Japanese Coach for the Nintendo DS. There are many reviews for the product, along with a handful of screenshots scattered across the internet, but little information regarding the content of the game. Using the title as a bit of an introduction to the language, I decided to record some of the ~200 lessons contained therein, to share with those who may be interested in acquiring it, and thereby create a learning experience from which I may benefit, along with any who read this.

The lessons of My Japanese Coach are separated into groups of five, and as such I have decided to follow this same pattern of organization. Each group is accompanied by a small morsel of information about Japan, which will be included here at the beginning of each set of recorded lessons. The lessons are presented by an “instructor,” displayed on the top screen of DS as the vocabulary, characters, and concepts being taught are displayed on the bottom screen. I have done my best to recreate the game’s presentation of the material, but as the information contained on either screen does not always progress simultaneously, I have taken the liberty to present it in a fashion which appears to me to be the most clear and organized.

To facilitate review of the Japanese writing systems presented in the game, these lessons will also be found grouped under a second label, to prevent the frustration that may present itself in having to go through every lesson to find a specific character or set of characters.

If you would like more information on a particular piece of information, or feel that you have something to add or correct, comments are enabled for your use. Enjoy.