
My Japanese Coach: Mini Games

In order of their appearance in Haruka's lessons, the mini games of My Japanese Coach are as follows:


Hit-a-word functions like a game of whack-a-mole, during which your primary goal is to touch any gopher holding the correct answer, and overlook those with distracters. You score depends on the percentage of correct gophers touched, and will decrease if you hit an incorrect gopher, or if you fail to hit a correct one. Because the gophers’ disappearance speed increases as the game’s difficulty increases, this can be slightly frustrating. Mastery points are awarded for a particular word if the player scores 60% or above.

Multiple Choice

In multiple choice, you are presented with a piece of vocabulary or a phrase on the upper screen. You are then required to choose the best answer, usually a translation of the information presented, from the four available choices on the touch screen. A timer runs for the duration, and the game will be stopped if the player runs out of time. Mastery points are awarded for each correct answer.

Word Search

Word search provides an easy way to earn mastery points. A list of words is displayed on the upper screen, and the player must find and highlight them on the lower screen. Mastery points are awarded for each word found before time runs out.

Fading Characters

Fading characters is introduced as a way to learn and practice kana. During the game, the player must draw a specified character on the lower screen three times. The first time, the game will draw the character (whose sound is spoken and written on the upper screen) with black ink and it will remain on screen, and the player must copy it with an identical number of strokes. The second time is identical to the first, but the black ink is replaced with grey ink. During the final repetition, the character will again be drawn, but will this time disappear, and the player must recreate the character without the solid guide provided by rounds one and two. If the player makes a mistake, the character is redrawn and the player may try again.

 Write Cards

Write cards is similar to fading characters, and is introduced as a second method to practice one’s kana. As in fading characters, the sound of the specific character the player is expected to produce is spoken and written on the upper screen in romaji. However, the game provides no guide lines and the player only has one chance to draw the appropriate character with the correct number of strokes. If the player makes a mistake, no mastery points are awarded for that character (or word), and the game moves on to the next.

Note: This page will be updated as more mini games are encountered in the lessons currently posted.