Lesson Twenty Two: Kana 7
How is your kana practice coming? Remember, if you don’t practice it then you won’t learn! This time I’m covering the t, n and y katakana characters. We’re getting close to finishing!
Remember that the t characters can have a dakuten, making their new sound a d. Also, a chi turns into a ji, and a tsu turns into a zu when the dakuten is used.
Here are the t characters in katakana! Remember to keep the correct stroke order.
ta | タ |
chi | チ |
tsu | ツ |
te | テ |
to | ト |
Now for the n characters.
na | ナ |
ni | ニ |
nu | ヌ |
ne | ネ |
no | ノ |
Lastly, the y characters. Remember that these can be used to make new sounds like kya (キャ)!
ya | ヤ |
yu | ユ |
yo | ヨ |
Looking at them is only going to do so much for you, so practice writing them!
GAME: Fading characters
Learning new katakana should be a cinch for you by now! All it takes is practice! So lets’ get some more practice for you.
GAME: Write cards
Only one more lesson of kana to go! But before that, more on verbs!